Strong OG and Verve each underwent the highest standard of clinical research four independent, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies in order to demonstrate the life-changing benefits they provide for enhanced immune function, inflammation, reduced inflammation, and antioxidant absorption.*

People taking Strong OG or Verve for 30 days demonstrated:

·Significant improvements in immune markers*
·Lowering of C-Reactive Protein (CRP) an important marker for inflammation*
·Superior antioxidant absorption*

The benefits of Strong OG have been backed by two distinct scientific clinical studies
The unique Strong OG formula was the focus of two randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials that helped illustrate the immune-boosting power, potent antioxidant properties, and high bioavailability of this groundbreaking supplement.*
The Science Of

Utilizing the research behind the Strong OG formula, we developed Strong in a packet, which gives you the option to take your immune-boosting protection with you anywhere.*
Our Strong packets utilize the clinically studied Strong OG formula and take it to the next level. Our powdered Strong formula provides you with the exact same vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients found in Strong OG and adds potent ingredients like maca, curcumin, and silica to make it even more nutritious.
BIOAVAILABILITY and ANTIOXIDANT STUDY: These studies were designed to determine the overall bioavailability (body readiness) and antioxidant effect. Participants were separated into two groups, placebo and product to be tested (Strong OG or Verve). Before the products were consumed, each participant’s blood was measured. Then, participants either received a single dose of the product to be tested or a placebo. Blood samples were collected and evaluated.

The antioxidant amounts indicated show how Strong OG is highly bioavailable and antioxidant rich when compared to the placebo.*
IMMUNITY STUDY: The purpose of these independent, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies was to evaluate how Strong OG or Verve enhanced immune function and well-being in humans as well as this formula’s effect on cellular inflammation markers.* Participants were randomly divided into two groups and received the product to be tested or a placebo each morning for 30 days.
Participants were randomly divided into two groups and received a serving of Strong OG or a placebo each morning for 30 days. After the 30-day evaluation, the study showed those who consumed Strong OG had significantly lowered their levels of C-Reactive Protein (CRP).*

This study also illustrated positive enhancements to the immune system.* Those who consumed Strong OG for 30 days had significant improvements in immune function over the placebo-controlled group.*
The Strong OG immunity study and Strong OG bioavailability study are published in two reputable journals, the Journal of Medicinal Food and Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, respectively.

Verve has been clinically validated in two separate studies
Verve was subjected to the highest standard of clinical testing. The Immunity Study showed those who consumed a can of Verve for 30 days resulted in a 24% decrease in C-Reactive Protein.* The Bioavailability Study showed how Verve is antioxidant-rich and had maximum absorption levels in Vitamins A, B2, B5, C, E, selenium, and antioxidants from mangosteen.*
BIOAVAILABILITY and ANTIOXIDANT STUDY: These studies were designed to determine the overall bioavailability (body readiness) and antioxidant effect. Participants were separated into two groups, placebo and product to be tested (Strong OG or Verve). Before the products were consumed, each participant’s blood was measured. Then, participants either received a single dose of the product to be tested or a placebo. Blood samples were collected and evaluated.

The antioxidant amounts show how Verve is highly bioavailable and antioxidant rich in vitamins A, C, and E, and selenium compared to the placebo group.*
Protect your 37 trillion cells with Verve!*
IMMUNITY STUDY: Participants were randomly divided into two groups and received a serving of Verve or a placebo each morning for 30 days. After the 30-day evaluation, the study showed those who consumed Verve received immune support as indicated by their lower levels of C-Reactive Protein (CRP).*
After the 30-day evaluation, the study showed those who consumed a serving of Verve had a 24% decrease in C-Reactive Protein (CRP).

The science behind Strong OG and Verve will always be our highest priority.
To ensure the best quality we:
·Source only the highest quality raw ingredients
·Incorporate the newest advances in nutrition and technology
·Adhere to extensive manufacturing and testing standards
·Complete an extensive quality control process before every product is released for purchase
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.